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To discover a life of purpose, expressed with your unique personal style and used to fulfill a need the world has, is to discover The Total You.       


The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

why life coaching?

Life happens. For some, the highway of life is very direct, with each mile marker strategically and purposefully leading to the final destination of a fulfilled life.  For others, the highway of life is circuitous, with detours, dead ends, and pathway closures before the final destination is reached. Both ways are filled with peaks and valleys, but for some of us, the journey to purpose takes a bit longer. That's my story. I felt like I was on a pilgrimage to discover who I am and why I am here. Sure, I had a great circle of friends, a rewarding job, a wonderful family, but for some reason there was still a yearning for that place of fulfillment. There were many meaningful pursuits along the way, but I realized I did not have clarity of purpose.  After years of traveling the lonely highways and byways, with many detours, obstacles, hills and valleys along the way,I finally discovered my true north.  The eyes of my understanding were enlightened to know the hope of my calling. (Eph 1:18)

I also realized that I was not alone on my journey.  There were many weary travelers behind me-yearning to reach the same destination for themselves. My purpose would be to guide each one from CLARITY to PURPOSE to FULFILLMENT.  We would work together to create a road map so that their calling and conduct would become one; to create the future rather than focus on the past or present dilemmas.


As your Life + Style Design Coach, I will partner with you to help you reimagine and redesign your life, allowing the total you to emerge. This process of becoming is ongoing. Your sense of fulfillment comes from becoming who you were meant to be and sharing your gift with others. We will work together to establish a focus, gain clarity and perspective, create a purpose statement, based on your values, gifts, and passions and chart your course with goals and action steps. We will also identify limiting beliefs and life patterns that influence your life. Coaches will always prompt you to partner in four key areas:

ACT by doing something.

SHIFT to a different place,see things more clearly, to change.

LEAP to do something bigger- by faith; stretch.

STOP doing things that hinder progress.

Our initial appointment, in person or by ZOOM, will create the road map for our relationship, plan how we will work together, how you want me to coach you and what tools and structures I should bring. This will ensure that we are both clear on the coaching purpose. Through direct and evocative questions, you will have the opportunity to share with me who you are, what is most meaningful for you to accomplish, and what destination you desire, which will help us determine if we are the right fit for each other. if so, we will create a focus and strategy to bring your vision into reality by scheduling monthly appointments, making sure the dates and times are mutually beneficial. You decide the duration of our coaching relationship, but a minimum of three months is recommended.

You will receive a welcome packet with relevant details about how the coaching relationship works, a Coaching Agreement, jump-start questions, and a prep form to help you make the most of your coaching.


  • To accomplish something specific, personal or professional; to remove barriers, focus, clarify and design actions.

  • Coaching is about having someone with an outside perspective by your side to get the encouragement and support that you need to ask more of yourself and to accomplish what YOU want more easily. A coach will help you evaluate new learning, add accountability, navigate challenges, and help you celebrate your success.

  • To identify,discover, and develop your potential and define or reconfirm measures of success.

Coaching works because of:

  • SYNERGY-We become a team- focusing on your goals and needs to accomplish more than you would alone.

  • STRUCTURE- With support, you take action,think bigger, and have an accountability partner.

  • EXPERTISE- We ask the powerful questions to help excavate what is already inside you.


Want to become the TOTAL PACKAGE? Add Image Consulting to enhance your outer image and personal style.

 Introductory Session: $175

 Contact us for packages.

Are you ready to discover and "what's next"?


"I just want to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART and tell you that you were a total catalyst for breaking me out of my "almost 3 year post divorce slump" and allowing me to feel (without any guilt or shame) that I am 100% worthy capable, and fully deserving of going after my dream..." Susan W.

"The most powerful aspect [of the session] was my purpose statement. I knew what I wanted and had come up with my own strategies and actions plans prior to this class. It was crafting that purpose statement that put everything in perspective and really solidified my goals. It made my goals more tangible and attainable." Robin W.



The term LIFE + STYLE is a trademark of THE TOTAL YOU. Serial number 86953702.

The Total You Life+Style Coaching and Consulting abides by the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics, which can be viewed at: